Detailed discussion about the sentence.
''A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete statement or meaning.''
Example: 1.Rinku a sings song.
2.They aren't naughty.
3.Rinku will not be a nurse.
There are usually two parts in either of the sentence.These are: 1.Subject
1.SUBJECT:A word (or a group of words) about which something is said in a sentence is called a subject.
2.PREDICATE:A word (or a group of words) that tell us something about the subject is called a Predicate.
Example: we play football.
Subject Predicate
According to the sentence there are five sections.
These are: 1.Assertive Sentence
2.Interrogative Sentence
3.Imperative Sentence
4. Operative Sentence
5.Exclamatory Sentence
''A sentence which asserts something is called an Assertive Sentence.''
Example: a. she will be happy.
b. We do not support the wrong.
Assertive Sentence has been divided into two categories.
These are: 1.Affirmative Sentence
2.Negative Sentence
1.Affirmative Sentence: ''A sentence that affirms something is called an Affirmative Sentence.''
Example: she will be happy.
2.Negative Sentence: ''A sentence that denies something is called an Negative Sentence.''
Example: We do not support the wrong.
''The Sentence in which a question is asked is called an Interrogative Sentence.''
Example: a. What is your name?
b.How are you?
c.Who is this man?
d.what class do you read in?
''The sentence which indicates a command, a warn, a request, or an advice is called an Imperative Sentence.''
Example: a. Look at the picture.
b.Do not make a noise.
c.Please help me.
d.Always speak the truth.
''The Sentence that expresses a wish or a prayer is called an Operative Sentence.''
Example: a. May Allah bless you.
b.May you live long.
c.May our President live long.
d.Lord give me knowledge.
''The Sentence that expresses an emotion or strong feelings is called an Exclamatory Sentence.
Example: a. what is a nice book it is!
b.How beautiful the bird is!
c.Alas! I have lost.
''A sentence is a group of words that makes a complete statement or meaning.''
Example: 1.Rinku a sings song.
2.They aren't naughty.

There are usually two parts in either of the sentence.These are: 1.Subject
1.SUBJECT:A word (or a group of words) about which something is said in a sentence is called a subject.
2.PREDICATE:A word (or a group of words) that tell us something about the subject is called a Predicate.
Example: we play football.
Subject Predicate
According to the sentence there are five sections.
These are: 1.Assertive Sentence
2.Interrogative Sentence
3.Imperative Sentence
4. Operative Sentence
5.Exclamatory Sentence
''A sentence which asserts something is called an Assertive Sentence.''
Example: a. she will be happy.
b. We do not support the wrong.
Assertive Sentence has been divided into two categories.
These are: 1.Affirmative Sentence
2.Negative Sentence
1.Affirmative Sentence: ''A sentence that affirms something is called an Affirmative Sentence.''
Example: she will be happy.
2.Negative Sentence: ''A sentence that denies something is called an Negative Sentence.''
Example: We do not support the wrong.
''The Sentence in which a question is asked is called an Interrogative Sentence.''
Example: a. What is your name?
b.How are you?
c.Who is this man?
d.what class do you read in?
''The sentence which indicates a command, a warn, a request, or an advice is called an Imperative Sentence.''
Example: a. Look at the picture.
b.Do not make a noise.
c.Please help me.
d.Always speak the truth.
''The Sentence that expresses a wish or a prayer is called an Operative Sentence.''
Example: a. May Allah bless you.
b.May you live long.
c.May our President live long.
d.Lord give me knowledge.
''The Sentence that expresses an emotion or strong feelings is called an Exclamatory Sentence.
Example: a. what is a nice book it is!
b.How beautiful the bird is!
c.Alas! I have lost.
There are three types of sentences in the structural form again.
These are: 1.Simple Sentence
2.Complex Sentence
3.Compound Sentence
2.Complex Sentence
3.Compound Sentence
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